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More About Us

As a mum of two young boys, I quickly came to realise the limitations that exist within high street stores in terms of clothing options for children, and in particular boys. Our options seemed limited to bold colours, or garish character clothing, neither of which suited our style. This led me to explore other options and I found myself refining my sewing skills and going headfirst into the world of handmade clothing. Somewhere along my journey I also came to realise that there is a gap in terms of originality that exists within girls clothing too, and as the business idea started evolving I began looking at other options for girls to provide something outside of the norm of pink frills and unicorns. I am in awe of the fabric choices available, and a growing selection of unisex fabrics means that siblings of both genders can easily match too. I tend to chose fabrics that appeal to me and my personal style, however I’m also very happy to take inspiration and guidance from my wonderful customers too. Please follow my social media accounts to have your input, or feel free to message me with specific requests and I’ll always bare this in mind when looking for new designs.

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